Sunday, October 13, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 12


Have you ever wondered how you might use perfectionism as an excuse not to embrace life. Have you been guilty of making “the perfect the enemy of the good?”

Wabi Sabi uses the lessons of nature to help us better understand imperfectionKempton reminds us, “If everything is always changing, nothing can ever be absolutely complete.” 

Nothing will ever be perfect because perfection demands completeness. We have a tendency to hang on to our failings, our imperfections, hoping that somehow we can aspire to be more perfect. This state has become our ideal. 

We must let go of this unavailable expectation of perfection. We have to stop looking at perfection and imperfection as opposite sides of a coin. Rather accept the inevitability of our imperfections as, “Imperfection is a snapshot of our journeys of growth and living at a particular moment in time.” 

We need to become comfortable with not knowing all the answers. We have to be okay with  realizing that we can’t be all things to all people. Of course, this doesn’t mean we have no goals or ambitions. It has more to do with gaining clarity about what is really important to us, and choosing to put our efforts into those areas regardless of other’s opinions. 

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