Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 8

 When it comes to change in the philosophy of Wabi Sabi, there are two ways you can look at it. 

There are those who cling tightly to the status quo fearful of changing anything even when they are not content. Second there are those who use change as a way of escaping a difficult situation. 

I remember changing grade levels as a teacher always looking for something better, when in reality I really wanted to change careers. Although, there was satisfaction in teaching I always felt it was not actually my calling. Sadly, fear always held me back, and making those “safe” grade level changes helped me make it to the end of a thirty- one years of teaching. 

Kempton points out in her book, “Stability can make us feel safe, but it is built on the misguided assumption that things won’t change, because everything does.”

Accepting things as they are might not actually be beneficial. Time, your most valuable resource, will continue to tick  away whether you choose to do something or nothing at all.

Wabi Sabi teaches us the lesson of accepting and letting go of the past, and embracing the present. 

“Your life is happening right here, and every day is the beginning of the rest of it.”

Don’t make the mistake of beating yourself up for the choices you have already made in the past. At the time you made those choices you could only base them on limited life experiences. Hindsight really is twenty-twenty. Use the knowledge and wisdom you have gained over the years to propel yourself forward, and stop looking at change in a negative light. 

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