Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 6

Impermanence is an important part of Wabi Sabi. This is found in two ways. First is the idea of something no longer being. This is seen in the changes of the seasons. 

The other idea has more to do with transience. In other words, the anticipation of something that will soon be gone. I think we see this in the lives of our children as they grow older. 

Having an appreciation for the impermanence of life can make us more aware of the here and now. When we realize that today will never come again we may not be so quick to live our life on autopilot.

“With the fall of a single leaf we know autumn is here.” This Japanese proverb alerts us to the imminence of change in the world. This awareness of the seasons helps us to be more in tune with the rhythms of our body. 

As the days become shorter and the weather colder we need to pay attention to our bodies need for rest. In the animal world, for many creatures, this is a time for hibernation. Why shouldn’t we consider a modified version of this?

Because we fail to notice this, and continue to overextend ourselves regardless of the season we may push ourselves to exhaustion, and may struggle to remain healthy. 

Getting enough sunshine during the summer months and curling up on the couch under a blanket with a good book in the winter might be all that we need to feel our best. 

Let the seasons remind you that for every season of effort there is time for rest. Nature knows this instinctively.  We on the other hand in our modern world have used modern technology to keep us moving at the same pace year round. Wabi Sabi helps to remind us to choose differently. 

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