Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 10

 If you are feeling overwhelmed the wisdom of Wabi Sabi can give you a fresh perspective.  Begin by accepting your feelings realizing that, “Whatever is possible in the present is limited.” In this moment you can only do so much. 

By accepting this it doesn’t mean that you have given up on the possibilities of the future. Rather, it’s an understanding of your own capacities at the moment. As much as I might want something to be a certain way, either from myself or others, I have to tune into the realities of the situation. Expecting something impossible is counterproductive.

You must allow yourself grace, and give yourself a break when it is needed. Recently, I purchased a little sign that says, “Be kind to yourself.” It reminds me not to be so hard on myself when it comes to the imperfections of human nature.

Rather, look for the joy in the moment. As I write this I’m sitting outside soaking up the sunshine and the cooler temperatures. In the distance I here the sounds of cows, the wind chimes, and the whir of our ornamental windmill.  The feeling of peacefulness, contentment, and dare I say joy surrounds me. 

Kempton concludes, “Rich is the person who is content with what they have…” In other words, the idea of already having everything you need. The wisdom found here is appreciating what we have as a key to contentment. The apostle Paul reminds us that he found contentment in all circumstances.

This may sound easier said than done, but except in the most extreme of circumstances this attitude can be well within our grasp. 

Again according to Kempton, “We just have to accept it, trust it, and embrace it.”

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