Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 15

Beth Kempton reminds us that, “Discomfort is growth.” Unfortunately, it seems that in our modern day culture we are trained to seek comfort. We go out of our way not to be uncomfortable. Think about the opportunities for growth that are missed in doing so. 

Wabi Sabi helps to teach perspective as to what is really important. Should we be spending our valuable time and resources on things that don’t actually nourish us? Or should we be letting go of limiting beliefs, and things that in the long run don’t really matter. 

Are we making mountains out of molehills?

Kempton says, “To be alive is to evolve. “ We need to understand that there are times when we need to surrender to a difficulty knowing that it will not last forever. This does not mean giving up completely.  Rather, it has to do with putting our energies into actions that will move us forward. 

Wallowing in our misfortune can result in just spinning our wheels. Life is hard sometimes, but learn from those hard times, and move forward. 

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