Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Two Kinds of People

Two kinds of people. 

You've probably heard the old adage, "There's two kinds of people..." After spending almost a year living in an apartment complex I find it rings true. Especially, when it comes to dog poop. 

There are two kinds of people. Those who pick up after their dog, and those who don't. My apartments have actually made it quite easy with doggie poop receptacles, and poop bags  at every turn. But apparently it isn't enough. 

For those who religiously pick up dog poop I say hurray! Your conscientious efforts helps to make for a more pleasant environment for all of us. For those with a grandiose sense of entitlement, who allow their dogs to poop wherever the wind may blow, and do nothing about it, I say shame or more honestly #*&@%!

I especially don't get the people who allow their dog to poop basically right in front of the poop receptacle, making it treacherous for the rest of us to maneuver in the dead of night. 

I have to wonder what goes through the minds of people who feel so comfortable just walking away. I've always been a rule follower by nature, but I see more the need for rules when over 1,000 people live together in close quarters. I also wonder if the noncomplyers ever consider what the place would look like if everyone took their "What the heck attitude!" 

So for now I'll continue to make the best of it, and do my part to make our apartments a better place to live, all the while dodging poop along the way. 

I would also like to give credit to my two year old grandson for his frequent use of the word poop, which has allowed me to do the same. I told my daughter that during the time I spent with them after the birth of our new grandson, that I had heard the word poop more times in a week than I had in her entire childhood!  Gotta love boys!

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