Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sunny Days

Sunny days. 

Why is it that the amount of light you are exposed to seems to greatly affect your mood? As I write this I'm staring out the window at a gray, overcast day. If the sun were to break through, I promise my mood would change completely. 

I definitely respond well to light and sunshine. Back when I taught middle school there were two room options; the ones that had windows and faced the outside, and those that faced the interior and did not have windows. I prayed for a room with a window, as I wasn't sure how well I would do in a tomb-like environment. Thankfully, I had plenty of sunshine that year. 

I have a good friend who recently moved to the Sunshine State, and is thrilled after spending years in a state that was primarily overcast for half of the year. Studies have shown that our exposure to light does affect our moods, and some people require light therapy in those gray states. 

As much as I have enjoyed living in my apartment, one of the drawbacks has been the lack of light. I live on the first floor of a multi-story building with several large trees outside my door. It limits the amount of sunshine that makes its way in. Our new house, on the other hand, has plenty of light streaming through an abundance of windows. 

I'm looking forward to natural light again. 


  1. We have had so many gray days here in Seattle. I am pushed outside on a day with a sun break. Shine on me!

    1. I'm sure you really do appreciate those sunny days.
