Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Pinterest Super Fan

Pinterest super fan.

My sister shared a story with me the other day about how excited her soon to be eleven year old granddaughter was about getting to share her mother's Pinterest account. I enjoyed hearing the story because my little grandniece's enthusiasm for life is contagious, and I always enjoy being around her. 

A day or two later I was on Pinterest and was checking others postings. I noticed my niece had posted three things. At a closer glance I realized it was her daughter, not her that had actually posted. What struck me, though, was the excitement of her comments about each ocean themed craft idea she had pinned. 

"So excited to try this!!!!"
"I want to try this."
Trying this tomorrow."

I realized that I have probably pinned a thousand ideas from Pinterest, but have rarely followed through on any of them. Just like unread books, my Pinterest collection is just that- a collection of ideas gathering cyber dust. 

My ten year old self would have jumped at the chance to try out all the amazing possibilities, but my grown-up self seems to be a Pinterest dud. As with most things I look for inspiration wherever I can. Here's to my sweet niece, and her love of life!

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