Friday, February 2, 2018

Never Say Never

Never say never. 

I think the first time I realized that you should never say never was when we got a Bassett Hound puppy for our daughter. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would own this floppy eared canine, but when our daughter dragged us over to see them we were completely smitten. 

In fact, when Brittany pointed them out, I had to ask what kind of dog they were. I must admit the Bassett puppies were absolutely adorable, but after learning what breed they were I knew one thing. If we were to take one home, it would have to be a girl, as I had seen full grown male Bassetts, and was not too crazy about all their personal parts hanging down for all the world to see. Our last male dog had been a Husky fully covered in fur, if you catch my drift. 

If you had told me at the beginning of my career that I would be teaching middle school Social Studies, I would have told you that you needed to have your head examined. Except late in my career I did willing make the move, and although I did eventually return to elementary, I never regretted the time I spent as a middle school teacher. I left that experience light years ahead in my technological abilities. 

Even my beloved poodle Cooper was a dog I never thought I'd ever own. I had never been drawn too much to the foo foo style of a poodle, but after learning that they could be kept in their puppy cut, I couldn't have been more pleased with the breed. If I had completely discounted the poodle as an option I would never have experienced the pure joy they bring. Smart as a whip, loyal, loving and somewhat clown-like are just a few adjectives to describe my little guy. 

No one would have convinced me that I could move a herd of cows from one area to another at our farm with a simple, "Haw!" and some outstretched arms. Petting an enormous boa constrictor, writing a blog, and cooking primarily plants are all things along the way that I would have never thought to do. 

Leaving Frisco, moving into an apartment, and even purchasing a new house in Euless of all places had never really crossed my radar until it did. Being open to possibilities allows you to experience life in a way you could never predict. I'm discovering that an interesting life is a lot more fun than a completely predictable one. 


  1. I find life to be equally unpredictable.

    1. It definitely makes it interesting. I really am enjoying your novel.

    2. Thank you Shari. The last chapters will be posted this month.
