Friday, January 26, 2018

Welcome to Texas, Y'all!

Welcome to Texas y'all!

January marks the fiftieth anniversary of my move to Texas. I was eleven years old, and my father had just retired from the military after twenty years of service. I was an Army brat who was getting ready to settle down in what would finally become my home state.

I was quite excited about moving to Texas, although I hated that I was leaving behind my best friend Ann Marie. However, having gotten used to moving every two years in the military, leaving friends behind was just part of the deal. Luckily for me we were able to reconnect forty years later, and now are a part of each other's lives once again. 

I had traveled to Texas the summer before from Florida to visit my aunt and uncle. I had expected to see everyone on horseback toting around a six shooter, and was sorely disappointed to learn that Dallas was a rather cosmopolitan city. I had suffered through my first Dr. Pepper that trip, and can honestly say fifty years later that I've never drank one again. 

After moving here I quickly began throwing y'all into my vernacular, and switched "ant" for "awwnt" when referring to my beloved Aunt Joan. I resigned myself to the fact that everyone moved at a much slower pace at the grocery check-out, and that a one syllable name could be dragged out over a matter of minutes. 

Along with this I discovered exotic creatures like horny toads, and Cicadas which we referred to as locusts. I recall our family cat finding locusts a tasty treat, and once she even dragged one into the house. I shudder to remember my reaction, and my fear of them still remains today. 

It took some time to adapt to Texas traditions. Putting up a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, eating Black-eyed peas on New Years, weddings without a sit-down dinner, stopping by without a formal invitation, football mums, and women dressed to the tee were all things Texan. 

I can honestly say that I have loved growing up in Texas. The pride of the Lone Star state seems unmatched, and I am happy to have been included. Now that I've been here officially fifty years I'm claiming full citizenship and hoping my Texas friends don't mind. 

"You don't just move to Texas. It moves into you."
Manny Fernandez

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