Friday, January 5, 2018

Recent Favorites

Recent Favorites

Ezekiel Flax bread-You find this in the refrigerated section of Sprouts. It's a little pricier than standard bread, but is to die for when toasted. It also is considered a complete protein. We enjoy using it for avocado toast. 

Aquaphor lip balm- I'm finding in the winter months my lips have become quite dry. While most lip balm basically just masks over the dryness, this product seems to provide enough moisture to solve the problem of dry lips. 

Corner Bakery- The trio has always been my favorite choice here, but recently I tried a couple new choices, and they were yummy. Along with the pasta salad, I now include the pico quinoa, and the hummus with carrots. This makes for a really tasty plant-based lunch. 

Forks Over Knives magazine- This has recently hit the shelves. It's chock full of plant-based recipes, and is a good source if you are interested in learning more about this lifestyle. 

Ricola Honey Lemon throat lozenges- I find these cough drops to be my favorite. Unfortunately this time of year seems to lend itself to sore throats and coughing. I keep these in my purse just in case. 

The Crown- If you are looking for a new Netflix binge this is an excellent series. It's kind of like a royal housewives episode, but soooo much better. 

Moleskin book- This was a Christmas present that I'm planning on using as a bullet journal. Although, there are many ways to do one, and you can find plenty of ideas on Pinterest, I basically just include a table of contents and numbering in order to easily locate whatever I've written in the journal. I'm excited to have a quality notebook. 

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