Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Minimalism Revisited

Minimalism revisited. 

As I began the process of downsizing over a year ago I quickly became overwhelmed with the sheer volume of the possessions I had accrued over the years. What at first was hard became easy as I found myself just getting rid of things. 

As organizer Peter Walsh had so aptly put, "If everything is important, than nothing is important." As I made my way through these possessions I tried to follow the advice of another organizing guru Marie Kondo. If something "Sparked joy" then it found its way into my new much smaller apartment. 

Except what I've realized a year later is that if all your stuff does is sit in drawers or tubs because there is no place to display it, than you really are missing out on the whole sparking of joy experience.  I think that is what I have missed the most this last year. 

I remember after I retired from teaching how much pleasure I took in taking care of my home. Now I'm not so much talking about housecleaning, as that is more of a have-to than a delight. But I enjoyed decorating for the seasons, and feathering my nest. I would simply walk around my home taking it all in, and enjoying spending time there. 

I think what I'm learning, though, is the idea that was taught to me through a childhood favorite, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In life you need to find that Just Right amount. Not so much that you don't even know what you have, but also not so little that nothing has any special meaning. 

When I wrote about moving the other day, my aunt asked me if I had "Kept enough stuff for the new house?" To be honest, probably not, but I'm okay with that. Paring down my possessions helped me to better know what I liked and what I needed. I'm sure there is something that I gave away that I wish I might have kept, but I'm not going to dwell on that. 

In the new house I look forward to truly unpacking, and enjoying the things I own. Minimalism has its place, but for me Mediumism seems a better fit. 

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