Wednesday, November 22, 2017



What is it about water that I find so appealing? Why do I seem so drawn to it, and why am I enjoying the close proximity to it now?

According to Wallace J. Nichols, author of Blue Mind, "We are beginning to learn that our brains are hard wired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight, and even heal what's broken."

After viewing the lake that surrounds my apartment complex for the first time, my initial reaction was, "I could live here." The interesting thing was that at the time we had not really seriously considered relocating from our home of eighteen years. In other words, we were not looking for a new place to live. What had brought us out that direction was Chuck wanting to show me his new work location.

As it turned out the trajectory was set in motion that day for our move. As we considered the benefits of him living close to his job, we never once considered another apartment location. The lure of the water was too great. In a matter of months we had signed a lease, and made arrangements to sell our home and move.  

As I sit here on my patio I have a view of the water before me, and it's calming presence is reassuring. Each day as I walk Cooper we enjoy the beauty of the water, and the wildlife it attracts. It seems to restore my soul daily, and I truly believe that just like the 23rd Psalm, we were led beside still waters. 

I have since discovered after my last trip to Florida, that although, I do find the ocean intriguing, I seem to be more drawn to calmer water, as opposed to the crashing waves of the sea. Either way, though, I see the benefit of spending time near water, and am happy to do so. 

Studies have shown that we seem to be more creative around water. Even taking a shower sometimes results in that Eureka moment. It appears water contributes to a more relaxed mindset, resulting in the flow of ideas. 

What I do know for sure is that having the opportunity to spend time outdoors enjoying the beauty of the lake around me is one of my daily blessings, and certainly something to be thankful for. 

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