Friday, November 17, 2017



I had the great pleasure the other day of reunited with one of my childhood friends whom I had not seen in over forty years. 

Once again the power of Facebook made it possible. We met for lunch when she came in town to visit her parents, and spent a couple of hours quickly trying to catch up. 

I had so many fond memories of our friendship, and we found ourselves laughing at our former antics. One in particular was the summer we spent spying on an elderly gentleman at the local mall, convincing ourselves that he was former CIA. 

We also spent countless hours playing at the vacant lot next door which I had affectionately named Czechoslovakia. At the time it sounded very far off and exotic to my eleven year old ears. I think I liked the way it rolled off the tongue. 

We found at lunch that we still had much in common, and made plans to get back together when she returned to town again. I also was able to visit with her parents which brought back so many memories of when our parents had been friends. 

Some childhood friends are only your friends because of proximity, but I've been fortunate to reconnect with two whose friendships were much deeper than that. What a blessing. 

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