Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Texas Strong

Texas Strong.

I can't even fathom for one second what the people of Houston and the Gulf coast must be going through right now. Literally cold, wet and hungry, and having no idea when they can return to their homes, they must be scared. 

The news has shown neighbor helping neighbor, and even stranger helping stranger. It seems just the other day it only reported about hate, but that all changed when a trillion gallons of water made itself known. I'm proud of our state, and  the rest of the country as it pulls together to help a state in need. 

One thing I've learned about tragedy is that given the chance people really do want to help. God Bless Texas!


  1. I have a sister-in-law in Houston and even though they are alright my heart goes out to their uphill climb in the next month. I have seen heroic service on the news in your grand old state.

  2. Yes, it is heartbreaking, but time and time again we are seeing the goodness of people helping people. Prayers for your sister-in-law that all remains well. Hope you are on the mend.
