Tuesday, August 8, 2017



I've been reading a lot lately about longevity and diet. In fact, there are some parts of the world where people live past one hundred on a regular basis. Not only do they reach this age, but they do so with independence and vigor. 

What I'm learning, though, is that diet is not the only thing that seems to matter when it comes to living a long life with quality. Having a sense of purpose may contribute to being a centenarian as well. 

The Japanese actually have a word for this-ikigai.  It's translation is simply, "reason for being."  This idea that having a reason to get out of bed each morning has shown to contribute to longevity. Of course, it makes perfect sense. 

In our younger days our purpose is very defined, and keeps us active and motivated. However, for some as they age, their lack of health and mobility may get in the way of knowing their purpose. 

The other day I volunteered at a local retirement community, and helped out with arts and crafts. What I found most rewarding, though, was watching one of the residents guiding along a less sure friend on how to complete the activity. Not surprising, I learned that she too was a retired teacher, and her purpose was shining loud and clear. Her patience and encouragement to her friend did our profession proud. 

As we enter the different seasons of our life our purpose will probably change, however, it will never go away. We all have our own ikigai, and in knowing so we can make a difference. 

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