Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The "Mostly" Life

The "Mostly" life.

I came across a blog the other day called The Mostly Simple Life. What I loved about the title was the word "mostly." 

You see I often get ideas that seem really great at the time, but I fail to follow through on them. Back in the mid-nineties there was a movement called Voluntary Simplicity. I was completely intrigued, and yet I wasn't exactly sure how to make my very busy life into a simpler one. 

It seemed that the proponents of the movement had made drastic changes in their lives, and that just didn't seem possible for me at the time. However, what if I didn't live a completely simple life, but rather a "mostly" simple one?

Eating healthy most of the time. Being active most of the time. Attending church most of the time. Being kind most of the time. What living this "mostly" life does is remove the guilt of not doing something which often times discourages us, and makes us give up all together. 

What steps can you take to live a "Mostly Life?"

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