Friday, February 24, 2017



My blogger pal Kathy has written several times about signs she finds along the way of her mother's presence. My sister Jean is always on the look out for cardinals, taking solice in the fact that our mother is still looking after her. 

At my Dad's passing Kathy encouraged me to be open to signs from him. I think the other day might have been one of those signs. I was upstairs making a bed when I noticed a dove sitting on the window ledge. It caught my eye, and I smiled wondering if it could be a sign from Dad?

Later in the day I was returning a library book when I was greeted by another dove standing on the sidewalk entrance to the library. Again I took a moment to enjoy the thought that it could be from Dad. Later as I thought about it I remembered how just like me, the library was one of Dad's favorite places. 

In fact, he was the one who took me to the library for the very first time, and the one who religiously let me drive on Saturday mornings to our local branch, despite the fact that I always drove over the curb on the way out. 

As I drove home a little later, what should swoop by my car, but another dove. That made three doves in one day. 

Now do I know for sure it was a sign from Dad? No, not really, but I have no proof it wasn't. Thank you Kathy for reminding me to be on the lookout, and thank you Jean for believing. 


  1. I take signs as true when they build me or move me toward a more spiritual reality. If you believe these doves are reminders of your father's love you will notice more doves.
