Thursday, February 16, 2017



Have you ever wondered about what is enough? Enough possessions, enough dessert, enough shoes or books, or maybe even enough of enough?

Technically enough is defined as, "as much or as many as required." I find the word 
"required" interesting, though.  Are enough clothes enough to get you through the week? Is enough food enough not to leave you hungry? Does a collector ever truly reach enough, as there is always one more thing to add to her collection. 

A couple of years ago I set the goal to become debt free. I budgeted religiously and learned how to coupon shop. However, through the whole process I found myself always wanting more. Kind of like being on a diet. My solution was thrift stores and garage sales. Shopping became a combination game and treasure hunt. For just pennies on the dollar I continued to bring more stuff into my home. 

It wasn't until a few months ago when Chuck and I took on the task of decluttering that the sheer magnitude of my possessions became apparent. I found myself ashamed that I owned so much. "Enough" was not in my vocabulary. 

What I've learned today is that there really is very little that I want or need. I have found myself to be content beyond my possessions, and am still finding ways to let go of what I own. I basically replace anything that is broken or purchase whatever is needed. Ironically because I spend less on things I don't need I actually have more to spend on what we do need. 

Through this experience I have finally discovered what is "enough" for me. 

"There are two ways to get enough. One is to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less."
G.K. Chesterton

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