Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Pup Under the Dresser

The pup under the dresser. 

It's been an interesting few days for my pup Cooper. Since my daughter and grandson are visiting we've had to make a few babyproofing tweaks. Our now crawling and walking pride and joy wasn't here thirty minutes before we found ourselves at Buy Buy Baby purchasing some baby fencing. These over fifty grandparents just didn't have it in them to be chasing him around non-stop for the length of his stay. 

After we returned home we were quite pleased at how well it all worked out. We blocked off  a large area in the den and utilized the sectional and ottoman to make the play area larger. My poor little Cooper was too small to jump the fence and was distraught that he couldn't be right next to his mother at all times. 

However, with a few minutes of training and a handful of treats we taught him to jump on the ottoman first before jumping onto the couch. Within a matter of minutes he had mastered both the entrance and the exit quite deftly. 

The next day he and my almost one year old grandson played a modified version of fetch all of their own accord. A plastic orange from my daughter's childhood picnic set became the perfect "ball" and Cooper took great pleasure in chasing after it when my grandson released it. I'm not sure it was an actual throw, but I don't think Cooper minded. 

To top it all off Cooper discovered that another curly haired poodle was living under the dresser in the guest room. Quite by accident he caught his own reflection in the mirror wedged behind the dresser. (A bathroom remodel leftover.) He was convinced that some strange dog had made its way into our house, and he wasn't too happy about it. 

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