Friday, November 18, 2016



I received a text the other day of my almost one year old grandson balancing precariously on a coffee can while holding on to the kitchen chair. His grin said it all.  

Unfortunately after snapping the picture on her way to retrieve him from his circus act he fell back and pulled the chair over a bit with him. My daughter felt horrible that instead of preventing his fall she was capturing the moment on her phone. I completely understood. No one wants their child to get hurt, but I couldn't help but be reminded of how proud he looked in the picture. 

As much as it is our instinct to protect our children from every scrape, fall and disappointment we really do them a disservice if we don't allow them to experience some risk. I assured my daughter that her mothering abilities were stellar, and because of his innate curiosity and sense of adventure this would probably not be his last fall. 

While my generation was busy firing up the helicopter I hope today's parents learn from our mistakes, and hover a little less closely allowing their children the benefit of risk. 

1 comment:

  1. I so agree. Two weeks ago my teenage granddaughter decided she was a "Goth" girl in dress and make-up. Her parents seemed uptight. I told them that it would be difficult to get up earlier and maintain all the outward appearance. I felt she would let it go. She did.
