Friday, April 7, 2017

Nine Years Too Long

Nine years too long. 

I ran into a woman the other day when I was getting my new library card,  and she was curious about my move away from Frisco. She was twenty years my junior, and our conversation lasted for several minutes. As we continued our discussion she pointed out that she could not believe that she had lived in the same place for nine years. 

I could relate to the passage of time, because I'll be starting my ninth year of retirement next fall. The impression I got from her was that time had marched on without her really even  paying attention because she had never planned to be at the same place nine years later. 

I couldn't help but think about the idea of life not being a dress rehearsal, and although she did not sound particularly unhappy with her nine years, I could tell she was surprised how time had gotten away from her. 

Sometimes we think we have all the time in the world, and it doesn't matter that we let nine years get away. I've let time slip by, and the reality is it's impossible to go back and relive that time period. When you are younger, and take time as an unlimited resource you don't really see it that way. You just assume that there will always be enough time. 

As I make decisions about my days I want to be more intune to time, and guard against staying too long, when it is time to move on. 

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