Monday, March 20, 2017

The Cat Transition

The cat transition. 

One of my concerns when planning our move was how well our cat would adjust to our new apartment. After all she had spent her entire thirteen years living in the same house. 

According to the research I had done there would be a predictable transition period. In order to make the move as smooth as possible it would require premoving considerations, actual moving concerns, and possible post moving trauma. This became one more consideration on my ever growing lists of moving requirements. 

Prior to the house going on the market, we had the carpets professionally cleaned. Knowing that Abby had a tendency toward hairballs, we made the decision to board her while the house was up for sale. Luckily, the Boarding Bungalow was just around the corner. With a name like that I thought I could convince her it was a vacation. Each day I would stop by to spend time with her keeping my fingers crossed that the house would sell quickly. 

Fast forward to a few days ago when we moved into our apartment. I've decided that all my research was done in vain, because Abby was just so darn glad to be back with us she didn't care where she lived. Abby basically LOVES the apartment and is in cat heaven. 

She has claimed the second bedroom as her own, and pads around like she owns the place demanding food and treats. Most of the time she can be found purring contentedly sitting in either Chuck or my lap. So much for all that reasearch. Go figure Abby was made for apartment life! 

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