Wednesday, March 15, 2017



Poodles are known to be very intelligent dogs. Their command of understanding language is impressive. My husband, always the teaser, finds himself reminded by me that Cooper understands English. 

What's even more impressive about poodles is their ability to observe and anticipate. Cooper is extremely devoted to me, and loves nothing more than to be by my side. He is always watching what I am doing, and is quick to learn my routines. 

He knows that after taking care of his business in the morning to race to the top of the stairs to wait for me to return to the bedroom. He jumps off the couch as soon as my i pad closes each night around ten o'clock knowing it's time to hit the sack.

Recently he's picked up on a new routine revolving around the new, fancy bedding we bought for our Open House. He waits patiently on the floor as I fold down the comforter, and remove the miriad of fancy pillows, both Euro and American. He then jumps up to my side of the bed while I add the extra blanket on Chuck's side. As soon as I'm through he moves over to allow me to unfold my blanket. From there it's a matter of waiting for me to turn out the lights so he can curl up beside me. 

The remarkable thing is that no training was involved in any of this. Coooer just paid close attention and figured it out on his own. He amazes me every day, and continued to be the best dog ever!

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