Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Charles Chips

Charles Chips. 

One of my fond memories of growing up in Texas was the can of Charles Chips and  chocolate chip cookies that would arrive by deliveryman each month. Because of our large family of eight Mom would always order the super-size can, and we would enjoy the salty goodness for as long as we could. The hearty chocolate chip cookies were the perfect sweet compliment. 

We always were amazed at the age of our deliveryman because he appeared to be much younger than he claimed to be. We were like carnival barkers trying to be the first one to guess his real age. 

Charles Chips or Charlie's Chips as we liked to call them always added to the modest snack choices available at our home. By the end of the month we usually had a few sleeves of saltine crackers, and the left over lollipops no one liked, so those chips and cookies were a real treat. 

Unlike the neighbors next door that I babysat each Saturday morning, who always had a pantry full of Hostess Ding Dongs and Snickers, Mom was a little more discriminating when it came to our snack choices. I must admit though, I think I enjoyed the snacking more than I did the fifty cents an hour I earned babysitting. 

Recently my best friend gifted me with a miniature Charles Chips can for my birthday. It instantly brought back such fond memories that I had to find a place of honor to display it in my home. Each time I gaze upon it I can't help but smile. 


  1. I enjoy your posts. I don't always comment but you often make me smile.

  2. Thanks Gabrielle. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your support has meant a lot to me.
