A spunky centenarian.
I've often wondered about the secret to living a long life? Is there really a magic formula, or does it boil down to luck and good genes?
I once saw a special on aging that reported that those who seem to accept loss better than others often lived longer. It definately is true that if you live long enough you will lose loved ones.
However, I wonder if 103 year old artist Marilee Shapiro might have another secret. In reference to her art work she explains, "I've always been afraid of color. So I'm working on that right now."
The fact that she is willing to continually learn new things might be just what keeps her young at heart. She has a passion for her art, and embraces the creative struggle it brings.
Finding something you love, and continuing to pursue it may just be the fountain of youth. Of course, age might still have a way of catching up with you even despite your best efforts. Even so, I find people like Marilee to be inspiring.
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