Monday, August 1, 2016



"Keen at the start, but careless at the end," are the words of a Roman historian and politician named Cornelius Tacitus. Now to be honest, keen is not really a part of my everyday vernacular.  I do remember back in jr. high I once played the part of a younger sister, who seemed to only know the words "Peachy keen," in talking with her older, cooler sister. 

The definition of keen is,"having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm." I have been guilty more times than not of starting a task with great enthusiasm, and fizzling out as I neared the end.  For me I think it has to do with not being naturally patient, and wanting to accomplish things quickly. If something requires too much time and effort, I'm ready to move onto the next thing. 

However, I do believe that it is a strength to know your weakness, so knowing ahead of time that you have a tendency to become careless near the end, might make you more aware of how you work. Or know that your strength might be more valuable at the beginning of a task helping to motivate, rather then seeing the task to completion. Regardless of what fits your temperament, I do hope that  the eagerness and enthusiasm engulfed in the word "keen" is included along the way for you. 

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