Wednesday, August 24, 2016

An Inch

An inch. 

You've heard the expression, "Give an inch, they'll take a mile." That's how it is with cats. Once they know they can, they will take full advantage of the situation. 

Take my cat, Abby, for instance. She has been banned from our bedroom due to my husband's allergies. Prior to this she was quite content to make herself comfortable on my pillow each night. Now, although this was quite endearing as a kitten, once she became a ten pound plus cat it really was more annoying. Of course what mattered more to her was a good night's sleep regardless of the fact that I was relegated to a three inch remnant that provided no comfort at all. Now that she is spending her nights elsewhere, I've replaced that pillow with one of those fancy shmancy National Sleep Federation approved pillows, except I still find myself sleeping on that same three inch edge. 

Now not to be undone by her banishment, she has learned to push open the bedroom door each morning demanding to be fed. To be honest, I've felt a little guilty about not allowing her in the bedroom so I've let her linger a little longer than I should. You know, the inch that becomes a mile. After all a cat's gotta eat. As a result I'm not sleeping much past 7:00 any more. 

During the day I use my daughter's old baby gate to keep her out of the room. Except now anytime she sees an opportunity she runs right past me, belly swaying in the wind, and quickly makes her way into our bathroom. She's expecting to find a bowl of food and water available for her consumption, although that bowl has been conviently moved downstairs to be used by her and the occasional drive-by committed by the dog. Like I said this cat doesn't take no for an answer and walks that mile rather smugly. Hopefully I can learn my lesson, but I think in this family cats rule, and dogs and people drool!