Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Default Settings

Default settings. 

While reading Originals by Adam Grant, I came across a fascinating study. It had to do with the choice of Internet browsers that people used. 

It appears that if you are not content to use the default browser that comes loaded on your computer, than you probably are one who shows more initiative in your job. Apparently, more people just accept the default browser and move on. However, there is a small number who wonder if there is a better way, and take the time necessary to investigate further. 

This idea of succumbing to the default got me to wondering about how this might cross into other areas of our lives. We actually have natural cognitive biases that we are not aware even  of. We reach for that same jar of peanut butter time and time again primarily because it is the brand of our childhood. Our habits are deeply ingrained, and not easily changed. 

Perhaps, maybe just being a little more aware of this default setting and taking the initiative to see if there is a better way might be worth our while. I must admit that I use the default setting on my computer, and have never really considered the possibility of another. However, after reading about this study it makes me realize that I want to be more open to taking the initiative.  


  1. Do you browse with Bing, Google, ......I need to check what browser I change to years ago. My husband hates Bing but I think I like it.

  2. Actually I use Safari because it's what's on my i pad.
