Friday, July 29, 2016



Adventurer Jeff Johnson attests, "The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." I love the idea of finding answers to questions you hadn't even thought of yet. 

Perhaps for me, one of the most influential journeys in my life was the year I turned twenty. We celebrated my birthday in New England during a bicentennial vacation with my family, taking in all the historical sights there were to see.  The impact of that vacation basically changed the trajectory of my future. 

Interestingly enough though, I had no idea when I left for those  two weeks the adventures that lay ahead. I didn't even consider for one moment the questions that soon would be answered. My love of history confirmed that it would be my minor in college, and the direction I was headed went a completely different way. 

If I had not embarked on that journey, my life would have continued down a very predictable path. I have also found that life is enriched in one way or another when I seek out new journeys, whether they be a vacation or just a new experience. 

Don't fall victim to thinking you have all the answers when you may have never even considered the question. 

1 comment:

  1. Terrific statement. In life we have many more answers than really good questions.
