Monday, July 25, 2016

Failure Celebration

Failure celebration. 

Isn't that an oxymoron? Not so for founder and CEO of Spanks, Sara Blakely. Celebrating failure is a common occurrence as she has reframed the way she looks at failure. 

Growing up her father would ask at the dinner table what her failures had been that day? He would then celebrate with a high five, and be disappointed if there was nothing to report. 

Sara says, "Failure for me became not trying versus the outcome." When she did something that maybe ended in embarrassment he would encourage her to write down the "hidden gifts" that resulted from the failure. There was always a lesson to be learned, and to be used the next time.  What a gift given to her by a loving father who allowed and encouraged effort which might result in failure. 

Once again this idea of growth mindset, taught by Carol Dweck, is reinforced in teaching our children not to avoid failure at all costs, but rather to look for the fun in learning something new. 

Sara's father was teaching her the best lesson of all; our worth does not come from our wins, but from our efforts. Look toward any person of success and you will find that they have experienced failure. If your failures are few then you probably have not tried often enough. Don't waste those opportunities for failure. And then celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. The hidden gifts of failure are that there are More breaths to follow. Good advice.
