Wednesday, July 20, 2016



How are you with change? The one thing you can be certain about is that change will happen. Just when you think something is going perfectly it will change. Your favorite restaurant will close, they'll discontinue that shade of lipstick that you've worn for years, and over time your thighs will no longer be recognizable. 

However, when it comes to change I am a paradox. I hate change and I love change. I cling to the things I like, and I'm bored by the same old same old. What I do know for sure is that I usually don't like change just for the sake of change. 

But, I have found over the years that shaking things up every now and then really does make life more interesting. Don't stick with something just because you've always done it that way. Be willing to try a different brand or style, especially as you move into a new decade. Recently, I got a new purse that was completely different from any I had owned before. I absolutely love it. So the lesson learned is that even though change can be hard, it's not always a bad thing. 

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