Monday, July 18, 2016



Audacity actually has two very different definitions. The first being the willingness to take bold risks. The second, on the other hand has to do with rude or disrespectful behavior. The difference in these two meanings interested me. One being something to aspire to, and the other something to ask forgiveness for. 

Charles Duhigg in his book, The Power of Habit uses the more positive definition when he writes, "Setting audacious goals disrupts complacency and promotes new ways of thinking." 

In life it is often easier to set a goal that appears to have a chance of succeeding. I have pretty much patterned my life toward this type of goal. Graduating from college required effort on my part, but many had graduated before me, and I felt confident I had the ability to do so. Even my field of study was not particularly challenging, and that was probably why it was chosen. 

Something to consider about an audacious goal is that it might require some discomfort along the way toward its accomplishment. Anytime we move beyond our comfort zone we are stretching ourselves and experiencing growth. Moving beyond complacency helps us to view the world through new eyes. Asking ourselves, "Why not?" may lead us to coming up with novel ideas that may not have been considered before. 

Now I do believe there is a difference between a bold risk and a foolish one. Being bold means showing a sense of confidence and couragousness, and not doing something that lacks good judgement. As it happens an idea might come to mind and be quickly tucked away out of fear, and then forgotten. The next time you are at this crossroads you might consider giving audacity a try. 


  1. Don't you think we are both audacious for thinking someone, or anyone wants to read what we write? I often feel that way. I do however, appreciate your audacious habit of letting us share your life reflects.

    1. Yes! Sometimes I wonder if I even have the right. That maybe I am thinking too highly of myself. It took many years to work up the courage to start this blog.
