Friday, June 10, 2016

The Questioner

The Questioner. 

Better Than Before is a book about habits written by one of my favorite bloggers Gretchen Rubin. Included in this book is something called the Four Tendencies, which she designed to help people with habit formation. 

After taking the on-line quiz, I was not surprised to learn that I was a questioner with upholder tendencies. In other words, I am comfortable with most rules, but even so, I can't just blindly follow them without asking a few questions along the way. 

It really is interesting how these tendencies affect your habits or lack of habits. I have the habit of making my bed each day. I do this not because I have to, but rather because I want to. I have found that climbing into an already made bed contributes to a better night's sleep for me. So because I fully buy into bed making, this is not a difficult habit for me to maintain. 

Rubin points out that a one size fits all approach to habit formation generally is not effective because we all approach habits from our own tendency. If you find yourself struggling with a habit you might want to investigate her Four Tendencies more fully. 


  1. I vacillate between thinking I am a obliger and questioner. But, I just can't decide. Am I?
