Wednesday, June 29, 2016



When I think of margin I can't help but think of a crisp new page of notebook paper. Margin is what allows for some white space on the page. The margin contributes to a greater ease in reading what has been written. It also may allow for a doodle or two which sometimes results in new found creativity. 

Have you ever considered this idea of margin or white space when it comes to your own life? Entrepreneur Brian Gardner promotes this idea by saying, "White space in our life is where the magic happens." I have to agree. 

Anytime I am over scheduled and leave myself no opportunities for down time, I find myself lacking in ideas. However, if I take the time to read, to listen, or just think I find myself brimming with creative thought. 

I can remember a time in my life when I really had little time for any white space, but even so, I think it is important to squeeze some into your week. Even scheduling it into your calendar might make you more apt to see its importance. 

Luckily one of the perks of retirement is more white space, but even if you are not retired I still encourage everyone to try to add some white space to your life. 

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