Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Central Market

Central Market.

Central Market is not an ordinary grocery store with familiar brands and products. No, it belongs to that select few-the foodies. 

Now considering the majority of my grocery shopping is done at Walmart, when it comes to this place I'm a novice. I was there the other day and found myself predictably overwhelmed. Rows and rows and ROWS of unfamiliar products, stacked high and deep. In the past I've always joked that shopping at Central Market was kind of like going on a field trip to some exotic location. 

Now on occasion I have purchased a few products from here, and they all have proved to be amazing. However, I think my real problem is that I really don't know WHAT to buy. Everything is either so unfamiliar, or there are so many choices that I become immobilized. Couple that with my failing eyesight, and just reading the labels requires a Herculean effort. 

So I find myself wandering through the aisles swooping in every now and then trying to identify a product. I also feel like I need a class in cheeses, or olives or Italian deli meat, in order to make a more informed choice. My natural tendency to gravitate toward the familiar sends my brain into culinary overload. 

However, with my push toward growth mindset, I'm looking forward to the challenge of learning about all the delightful products now available to me at Central Market. And I can't help but be reminded as to how much I always enjoyed a good field trip!

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