Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Stephen M. Shapiro, author of Goal-Free Living, writes, "The best paths are the ones we know nothing about and would never have visited unless we allow ourselves to meander."

The definition of meander is to travel a winding path or course. I have been guilty of not allowing myself to meander. I have been guilty of putting into practice the one thing I learned in Geometry class, "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line." 

Although, the straight line is certainly efficient it doesn't always allow for stopping along the way to savor the view. Although, it may not always be practical to meander, it might be something to consider when circumstances allow. 


  1. I like walking different way. That allows me to see my neighborhood differently.

    1. I live in a very fast growing community, and it's amazing how many new places are popping up that without meandering I'd never know about.
