Friday, June 3, 2016

My Real Self

My real self. 

I've been giving some thought about my real self vs my fantasy self when it comes to my backyard. We have a nice backyard with a pool that we installed when our daughter was in high school. It was the perfect place for her and her friends to hang out. A few years ago we invested in some outdoor furniture to make the place more inviting. 

Now my fantasy self envisions me drinking coffee each morning sitting out by the pool listening to the relaxing trickle of the pool fountain. Unfortunately, I rarely drink coffee, and basically save this brew for the weekend. 

I also envision myself basking in the sun on a lounger working on an incredible tan. However, I'm too concerned about skin cancer and wrinkles to get anywhere near the sun. In fact, most of my swimming has been at night. 

Speaking of night, all those fun evening cookouts and hanging out by the pool have been thwarted by a pesky little disease spreader known as the mosquito. Between West Nile and Zika, and my husband's tendency to be a mosquito magnet, somehow this fantasy doesn't look appealing anymore. 

My fantasy of exercising daily in our pool is ruined when I consider having to rewash and dry my hair. Enjoying a good book out by the pool becomes a hot, sweaty mess when it comes to the non-existent shady area in the backyard. 

Woah, real me is such a drag! 

So what can I do to bring these two me's closer together? In an effort to be true to myself and enjoy the outdoors which I love I intend to enjoy my weekend coffee outside underneath an umbrella while enjoying the comfort of some new furniture cushions. I'll continue to use self-tanner so I don't have to tempt fate and still feel comfortable baring my legs in the light of day. I've located a really cute swim cap on-line, and plan on ordering it soon. Who am I trying to impress? I've researched some effective mosquito control and plan to enjoy nights out by the pool. And finally, the umbrella will help contribute to outdoor reading.  

Hey maybe real me and fantasy me are not so far apart. It just took a little tweaking to make my dream come true. 

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