Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Rarely a day goes by that I don't eat popcorn. I've been partial to this snack my entire life. 

Every time I entered a Sears and Robuck as a child, I found myself gravitating to the center of the store enticed by the smell of the buttery goodness. When microwave popcorn first hit the scene, I made frequent trips to the local 7-11, as we did not yet own a microwave. 

Remember Jiffy Pop, Jiffy Pop the magic treat? It was probably the coolest popcorn experience growing up. Who could resist watching the aluminum dome grow? Movies were not movies without buttery movie popcorn, however, that was long before we learned the truth about calorie and fat content, and before it cost a small fortune for movie concessions. 

Over the years I have popped popcorn on the stove with oil, in a plastic microwave popper with oil, in a prepackaged microwave bag, and have even tried the cardboard tasting air popcorn. Who ever thought that was a good idea was crazy! Recently, I tried popping it in a brown paper bag in the microwave. It actually turned out quite well, and required no oil. 

However, my latest venture in popcorn is popping it in coconut oil. The result is a less greasy popcorn, and it is a natural ingredient as opposed to canola oil. Now coconut oil is a bit pricey, but I've been pleased with the results. I actually saw a glass microwave popcorn popper the other day. I'm intrigued, so I might need to check it out more closely. It's reusable and oil free. So many popcorn options, so little time!


  1. This makes me smile, you are a popcorn aficionado. I could smell the corn as I read.

    1. I tried to do a cute emoji of a happy face and popcorn, but it didn't work!

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