Wednesday, February 24, 2016



"If it does not open, it's not your door," is a posting I saw the other day, and it got me to thinking about those doors that open along the way in life. 

If a door does opens to you, is it necessarily your door? 

For most of my life whenever a door opened to me I usually walked through. I think I was somewhat fearful that maybe there would never be a better door. I rarely asked myself if it was what I really wanted? Surely, there must be some sort of reason for that door to open? If I failed to step through, would I be missing out on something, and possibly risk not having that opportunity offered again?

Recently, I've come to believe that even though a door opens to me, it doesn't necessarily mean it is the best course of action. It just means that it is there for thoughtful consideration as I make my way down the path of life.   Earlier this year a door opened which resulted in some reservations on my part. Unfortunately, I pushed them aside, thinking that I was obligated to walk through because it had been opened to me. 

Looking back, I should have given more weight to the validity of my reservations, and trusted myself more in knowing what I wanted. As time goes on I realize that I'm not going to ever get back the time I spend doing something I don't really want to do. I want to listen more closely to that still, small voice and learn that it is okay to close a door or two without regret, and not just step through it because it opened. 


  1. If a door opens, is it your door? What a good question. I am trying to nail down what feeling I get when it is my door. I was approached by an acquaintance to volunteer as a musician doing music for patients of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. I usually say no because I have a full schedule, but, something said "check it out." I can't say it is always fun but I feel like I have come through the the right door.

    1. My father has advanced dementia and one thing that he really responds to is music. You are doing important work. I'm glad you stepped through that door.
