Tuesday, February 2, 2016



What do you focus on? Doctor Phil says, "It takes 1,000 ' Atta boys' to overcome one, 'You're worthless and no good."

Why is that? Why does the negative have such power over our lives? Why is our tendency to look for everything that went wrong that day, while forgetting about all the good? Why do we let the hurtful words of someone ruin our day? 

I think it has to do with what we choose to focus on. There will always be bumps along the way, hurtful people, and less than ideal circumstances, but chances are that most of the time the good will outweigh the bad. 

Back in the 90's Gratitude Journals were all the rage. Basically, each day you would list five things that you were grateful for that day. This simple practice resulted in you ending your day on a more positive note. Since then I have seen something called a Blessings Jar on Pinterest. Each day you add one slip of paper to the jar with something you were grateful for. Then at the end of the year you go back and reread what you have written. 

Whose to say that even though we are in the month of February, that it might not be too late to start either one of these exercises. If focusing on the positive brings more joy to your life then it certainly would be worth a try. 


  1. Ive done the gratitude list everyday. It works.

    1. Great to know. I think I'm going to try tie Blessings Jar. It would be fun to read at the end of the year.
