Friday, February 19, 2016



Agree to allow yourself to be a beginner. In her book, Unlocking Your Creativity, author Doreen Marcial Poreba states, "Agreeing to be a beginner at something throughout your life will keep you open to newness, support brain functioning, and invite growth."

As children we were in a constant state of being a beginner. No one just jumped on their bike and took off.  Cursive handwriting required hours of practice before it became legible. But somewhere around adolescence we become hesitant to try new things. Being a beginner became too much of a risk. "What would our friends think?"

As we enter adulthood this may keep us from pursuing new skills. But the truth is that all new things require some sort of a learning curve, and that is perfectly natural. Rome wasn't built in a day, and we have to allow ourselves the time needed to achieve mastery. 

One of the findings in studies of the aging brain, is that learning something new is quite beneficial to the brain. Perhaps learning something completely new, like a language or an instrument, might be even better. Pursuing a new skill will only add to our cognitive growth. 

The lesson learned from childhood is to enter a new task knowing you are a beginner, but not giving up hope that over time you'll get better and better.  


  1. This is exactly why I called my blog, "Back On The Floor Again". Starting over with no knowledge or experience is so humbling, and amazingly, so freeing. Love your ideas.

    1. Thanks Gabriele. I want to feel more of that feeing feeling. It's baby steps for me!
