Friday, February 12, 2016

Creativity Conscious

Creativity conscious. 

I'm reading Unlocking Your Creativity by Doreen Marcial Poreba. She says, "The more you consciously create, the more aware you become, and the more tuned in you are with your inner being and outer surroundings, the more meaningful life becomes."

The word conscious simply means being aware of and responding to one's surroundings. I have found this to be true in the writing of this blog. This is a conscious act; something that I actively pursue. It is in being aware that I find my inspiration. 

By tuning in to my inner feelings and outer surroundings I find the seeds of creative expression. Creativity is an interesting thing. You may hide it away and pretend you don't hear it calling your name, but it will continue to whisper in your ear. 

We are all creative, but whether we make the conscious effort to pursue this creativity is really up to us. Start listening to your creativity conscious and watch it unfold. 


  1. Yes, Yes, Yes! I have found that the more you create the more your creativity juices salivate. Somedays it is not whether you can find an idea but which idea can you develop first. Right?

    1. Mine definitely comes in waves, and I'm really enjoying it!
