Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm shift. Many years ago I attended a staff development training about paradigm shifts in education. The word was actually new to me, as well as the concept. A paradigm is basically your idea about how something should be done. As a result of that training my whole perspective on teaching changed. I started questioning why I was teaching the way that I did. The reality was that I had basically always done it that way. That year my teaching partner and I challenged ourselves to look at things differently and to try new ways of teaching. It was a pretty amazing year. As I thought back about paradigm shifts, I started to look at it from the point of view of my current life. I began to wonder if I was living my life based on how I'd always lived it?  It got me to wondering if maybe I should shake up a paradigm or two in my life?  Maybe I should give a little more thought to the why behind my actions?  How about you; have you ever experienced a paradigm shift?

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