Tuesday, March 24, 2015


To quote Benjamin Franklin, "Lost time is never found again." The reality is that you will never get back the time that has already passed. It gets you to thinking about how you want to spend the time you have today and possibly tomorrow. You reach that point in life where you realize that you have fewer days before you than behind you. I want to be more conscience of my time and the choices I make about spending it.


  1. Caring for my parents has made me extremely aware of the limited time I have on this earth. I want to make the most of it. I want to make a difference. Thanks for this post. Ann Marie

  2. As baby boomers we have been sold the idea that we are ageless and can do whatever we want whenever we want to. My Dad did really well into his mid eighties, but now age is catching up with him and he has no control to change that. It has made me think about my time differently as well.
