Thursday, March 26, 2015


I'm quite pleased with my adventure into blogging. I've now posted over thirty times and have learned a thing or two over the last month or so. I'm using my own photos so there is no copyright infringement, and I'm really enjoying taking photos to compliment my postings. That in itself is a creative outlet. I'm keeping it simple and just using my i pad. I've learned to actually compose my postings in Evernote and then copy and paste it into Blogger. That is much easier than trying to write the text on Blogger. I'm allowing the writing to come naturally--whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment. It surprises me how often I am struck with something to write about. I'm quite pleased with the blogging template I chose. I like the simplicity of it. Finally allowing myself to express myself through writing in a public forum is a dream come true.  Overall, this has been a win win for me. Sharing it with other readers is just the icing on the cake.


  1. Shari, you are doing a wonderful job. I believe when we were kids we would write stories together. Now we are blogging together as adults. I thank God for bringing you back into my life after all these years. Ann Marie

  2. Ann Marie, To be honest, the fact that you are a writer inspired me to find my "one thing" again. Writing was something we both loved as children. You had the confidence to pursue it as an adult. I feel equally blessed that our paths crossed again.
