Saturday, March 21, 2015


Risk and mistakes. These are two things that I avoid. I find myself very content to stay in my comfort zone and not to venture too far outside. Why is this? As a child I was very adventurous and always up to trying something new. Of course at that age you are a beginner and that is perfectly acceptable. Learning to read, to count to 100, to ride  a bike, to tie your shoes are all something new. Each one brings its own share of mistakes and failures. But when does that change? When do you start doing only things you know you are good at? When does making a mistake suddenly become the worst thing ever. I admire people like my daughter who is always willing to try something new. Each new task she takes on is greeted with a healthy understanding that failure might be involved, but most mistakes can be fixed. I want to challenge myself to take on more risk and to try more new things in my future. I don't want to miss out because I feared I might do it wrong.


  1. "I don't want to miss out because I feared I might do it wrong."
    Me too Shari, me too.
    I wonder that too, when do we start to fear making mistakes. When we grow up, and stop experimenting.

  2. Thanks Pamela. Your blog helps to encourage that experimentation.

  3. Good food for thought. We need to be more willing to take risks. Thanks Shari. Ann Marie.
