Thursday, April 22, 2021

Food For Thought

I was fixing lunch yesterday for my grandsons. I’ve been doing this for months so I pretty much know what they like. 

The oldest prefers peanut butter with honey, while the youngest is partial to “peanut butter jelly” as he says. 

The oldest requests goldfish crackers, and the youngest cheeze-its. 
They both like strawberries, but the oldest usually requests a fork. Once I gave the younger one a small “baby” fork which he quickly reminded me that he was not a baby, and that he would save the fork for his new baby brother. 

The older’s plate is the green one, his favorite color, and the younger one’s plate is blue more by default. 

The oldest methodically eats his sandwich, while the youngest digs right into the middle, and ends up smearing his face with jelly. 

As I was spreading peanut butter onto the bread I got to thinking about how different these two boys are. From the time the youngest was eighteen months and talking they have had their own idea about things. 

Once I witnessed an argument between the two( when the youngest was younger than two) over whether it was a car or a truck that had just passed by based only on the sound they heard. 

I wish I could say that these two always get along perfectly, but they don’t. What they do have in common is they are both strong willed in their own way. 
In life we will have differences, and as much as we wish to find common ground we won’t always be able to. 

Luckily, these two boys really love each other, and they still find time to enjoy each other’s company. 

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