Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Drawn Back to Nature

Drawn back to nature. 

I can't actually say that I prefer country living to city living. What I do know, though, is that I am drawn to nature. When I spend time outdoors, especially around water I just feel more motivated and refreshed. 

With the return of a little cooler weather I was able to return to my old apartment complex for a walk around the lake yesterday. It's beauty and peacefulness did not disappoint. There was a nice breeze, and I was happy to be out enjoying it again. 

As usual, there was plenty of animal life to observe. The list included a dove, a Blue Herron, both dragon and damsel flies (shades of seventh grade life science and my first insect collection), a pretty good sized turtle sticking his head up out of the water.

One thing I've just realized is that there were no ducks. I'm thinking the heat was just too much for them, and they will probably make their way back this fall. However, I did see a new bird I had not seen before that was tiny and bright yellow. It really wasn't much larger than a hummingbird, but it was hard to capture with my camera as it quickly flew from tree to tree. 

I've got a message in to a jr. high school friend of mine who along with his wife has taken up birding, and posts regularly the birds that inhabit the area around his home.  I'm thinking that he might be able to identify this little guy. 

The beauty of nature can be found all around the city if you just look in the right places. Grapevine has a beautiful botanical garden with free admission, and Southlake's Town Center has an inviting fountain. Now that we are getting a reprieve from the hottest of summer weather I'm going to make sure to spend more time in nature, even if it's just sitting out on the back porch enjoying the breeze. 

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir

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