Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wasted Time

Wasted time. 

I came across this quote the other day by author Marthe Troly-Curtin, "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Once I wrote about feeling guilty about wasting time. I had the idea that time should be used productively, because it was after all a limited resource. A friend of mine, however felt differently, and made a comment about how he didn't believe in wasted time. 

To be honest, I didn't agree then, but today I'm thinking he was on to something.  Perhaps, it had to do with the whole older and wiser thing, because he did have a few years on me, and had been retired for several years. 

Today I'm learning how to spend my time not being so concerned about how actually productive it is. If I am spending time doing something I enjoy, then I see a value to it.  

For some always being productive is second nature, but I've known since I was a young teen that wasnt me. Given the choice between a part-time job, and more clothes, I'd pick time to read, and just enough clothes every time. 

Sitting out on the back porch, catching up on a favorite tv show, and listening to some seventies music might be considered a waste of time by some, but like Troly-Curtin reminds us, if we are enjoying it perhaps it's not a waste after all. 

What time are you wasting? 


  1. excellent!. I'm with your friend, no time is wasted. Many days I feel I'm doing exactly what I need to do. The only form of "time wasted" is that done worrying. Every minute is a gift. Love your posts Shari!. love them.

    1. Thanks Anneliese! I love the part about worrying. You are so right about that one!
